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FNF Vs. Sky Remanifest


About FNF Vs. Sky Remanifest


On the occasion of the one-year launch of the FNF series, FNF Vs. Sky Remanifest was born. With the same old rules, this game will bring you a lot of surprises.

Surprise in this version

The Remanifested mod offers you a completely new experience with a ton of new songs, remixes, new sprites, and cutscenes to further the narrative on the one-year anniversary of FNF series. Wife-Forever, Sky, and Manifest are three songs that were previously in the original mod, but Week S has a significant surprise! Make careful to play on Hard and High because there are two completely distinct weeks.

Tutorial in FNF Vs. Sky Remanifest

Boyfriend will really battle Sky on remixes of the three songs in "High" difficulty, providing a more significant challenge. But that's not all—you'll find no less than 7 additional tracks in the Freeplay menu! the chance to uncover unique rap fights involving a variety of characters. For instance, you will be able to see Girlfriend enter the stage to perform; during another song, two renditions of the sky (skyblue and bbsky) will duel; shortly after, you will need to sing to escape Mario; and even the bbpanzu character himself may take part in a rap war! You also can participate in many other rap battles in fnf mods, FNF vs Sans (Fallen Star) Mod.
